finding my breath
And continuing my practice.
I started my spiritual journey in 1998 during a Conscious Connected Breathing session that was part of a metaphysical retreat. I was amazed at how this simple, eyes closed breathing process could bring about such powerful and profound results. I felt I had unlocked the key to discovering my own divinity.
I continued training as a Conscious Connected Breathing (CCB) coach while living in New York City under the tutelage of professional speakers and master facilitators who founded The Alivening Project and Careapy. This is a series of seminars, workshops, consultations, and week long CCB training sessions. I am honored to have coached hundreds of people in both private and group sessions across the nation.
When we take a step back and truly find our breath, we learn more about ourselves than we ever thought possible.
- Janine Wolf

All Things CCB
Explained with 3 simple questions
What is CCB?
Conscious Connected Breathing (CCB) is a simple yet powerful, eyes closed breathing process that was developed by Leonard Orr in San Francisco in the 1970’s. He discovered that by breathing in a particular rhythmic cycle, an individual could clear emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual blockages. The principle is that in moments of heightened emotion we subconsciously avoid pain or even joy by suppressing the emotion and holding our breath.
Through the process of CCB we can bring this suppressed material to the surface from the unconscious, giving us the opportunity to let go of the past and experience the here and now. A lifetime of stress can be permanently released from body and mind.
How does it work?
Almost all of us are suppressing large amounts of emotional, physical, and mental tensions and require relatively high levels of carbon dioxide in their blood to keep these tensions suppressed. A guided conscious connected breath – not pausing between the inhale and exhale – allows a build-up of oxygen in the blood and of Prana or Life energy, releasing emotions and memories ‘locked’ in suppressed breath.
what can i expect?
What occurs during a session varies from person to person and from session to session. One may experience memories and images of the past, physical sensations, spiritual experiences or emotional release. Whatever is needed to release at the time will release, leaving the client in a heightened state of peace. Other benefits include empowering your relationship with self, family and loved ones, improved physical well-being and vitality, and heightened creativity.
CCB for Kids
Conscious Connected Breathing has many great benefits for children and teenagers - it is a perfect self-soothing tool, that helps children deal with the ‘big feelings', and teaches them how to be more attuned to themselves, so they can navigate the world around them with a sense of calm, responsibility, and empowerment